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Age 51 From Charlotte, North Carolina - Online Last 24 Hours
Woman Seeking A Man (343 Miles Away)

My height peaked in 5th grade, but good things come in small packages! I’m Reform, haven’t practiced in a while but want to do more. I say the Shema every night before bed. I strive to be authentic, try to look for the silver lining in most things...

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Women looking for a travel life partner

Age 25 From East Lyme, Connecticut - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (572 Miles Away)

My name is Lauren. I am 25 years old almost 26 in May. I work with students with disabilities which I love working with disability population! On my free time I enjoy attending pilates classes, being outside, different types of crafts, etc. I am...

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Come say hi! 😊

Age 32 From Nashville, Tennessee - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (333 Miles Away)

32. Business owner. Love Jesus and my family.

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Looking for someone special

Age 55 From Kalkaska, Michigan - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (346 Miles Away)

Looking for someone who is kind, loving and gentle

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Beautiful successful and bright

Age 53 From Studio City, California - Online Now
Woman Seeking A Man (1977 Miles Away)

Beautiful successful and bright looking for you

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Dolce e divertente,seria e intelligente

Age 36 From Roma, Italy - Online Yesterday
Woman Seeking A Man (4699 Miles Away)

Bella e intelligente ,credente,dolce e cara

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